We have lots of apple trees on our farm. We also have quite
a few Hazel Nut trees, also berries and grapes, a barn with hay, and grass
fields. So, naturally, we also have lots
of deer. You might think deer are wild in the wilds, but, no! Actually, they
can become quite tame and getting tamer. They teach their fawns to be unafraid of
humans. Well, certain humans, anyway. The humans that live on “their” property are okay.
For instance, I can walk down our long drive to get the
mail, walking among them close enough to nearly touch them, and they just stand
there watching me. You see, the trick for them, is to train those same humans
to feed them in the hard times. Which are coming. But, I am not going to do
that and neither should you. Here is an article that gives us 5 reasons not
to feed the deer.
Here is another well written article in Outdoor Life that
warns us not to feed deer.
It is far kinder to them to let them be. Be sure to read how
deadly corn is for them.
I would like to share with you some recent photos taken on
our farm and in our yard. We have a natural habitat for all sorts of wildlife.
We are blessed.
Opps. Our other wildlife.
Happy November
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