This antique postcard was sent to Effie's mother to wish her a Happy New Year. It is dated Jan. 1, 1913 by Effie, but it was postmarked on Jan. 9th, Effie states that she guessed it would not be mailed this week. (See how lucky we are these days!) She also claims that they are all fine and hope she is too. She thanked her mother for the Christmas cards. It's a bit like a Facebook message, but just took a lot longer to get there.
This postcard is especially dear to me because 1913 was the year both my parents were born plus it is postmarked Montana, and that is the state where they met and married. I will always keep it
There are all sorts of reasons to collect old postcards. Sentiment, like my reason for this one. History and historical places. Holidays. Artistic cards, especially signed ones. Even the type of paper they were printed on. Country of origin, especially cards made in Germany are popular.
Vintage postcards can be found in most Antique stores and vintage malls. I think the reason there are so many is because people used them as an easy and quick way to communicate with family and friends. Now we have Facebook, and texting.
Here is a link to a site that has lots of interesting vintage postcards facts. Perhaps you would like to date or ID a postcard you own.
And, now, a Good Luck greeting from an Etsy vintage shop called Old Fashioned Finds. Find it here

Wishing you all Luck and Happiness in 2017.